NON PROFIT: Food Not Bombs
Putting a spotlight on war, poverty and the destruction of the environment, the Food Not Bombs movement recovers good food headed for the trash and makes vegetarian and vegan meals for those in need.

Local Scene 2021Q1
The local scene – Ribbon Cuttings, Events and More in pictures. [CHECK IT OUT]

Heart of the Community
Downtown. What does that word mean to you? Shops. Restaurants. Arts. Businesses. Cafes. Nightlife. Culture. Entertainment. Community. Museums. History.

A Cultural Evolution
In celebrating the rich history of Lawrence, be sure not to miss the numerous events that honor our community’s diverse cultures.

Allen Fieldhouse: Home Court Advantage
Though not modern like many of the athletic venues across the country, its intimate atmosphere and historic qualities are what make Allen Fieldhouse special.

Junior Achievement: Lawrence Business Hall of Fame
The mission of Junior Achievement (JA) of Kansas is clear: to have strong and successful business leaders in communities help mentor bright, young entrepreneurs with ambitions of being tomorrow’s business moguls.

Lawrence In Perspective: Oak Hill Cemetery
In his inaugural address in 1864, Mayor R. W. Luddington called for a new cemetery to serve as a site with “sepulchral fitness for sacred reminiscences where departed friends could be remembered.”

Butterflies, Birds, Prairie & Preservation
Nature is close at hand in Lawrence, with forest, grasslands, wetlands and wildlife practically within walking distance of the city limits. Understanding the role it all plays in both the environment and the economy is more of a reach, though.

The Future of the Past
Piece by piece, the windows are coming back together. Part of the original St. Luke AME Church, built in 1910 at the corner of Ninth and New York streets, in downtown Lawrence, these majestic stained glass windows, with their mottled blues, greens and golds, were cracked, missing panes and in general disrepair.

2021Q1: Letter from the Publishers
How do we keep Lawrence special? How do we preserve our past and honor our heritage while keeping our community vibrant, contemporary, and moving forward?

History in the Names
We don’t give it a second thought when we tell someone to “head west on Bob Billings” or “turn right on Kasold,” or “meet up in the shelter at Holcom Park.”

Newsmakers 2021Q1
Van Go, Inc. announces new Co-Executive Directors Eliza Darmon and Kristen Malloy, both seasoned Van Go staff members, to lead the organization into the future.
The new leadership format, approved unanimously by Van Go’s Board of Directors, began January 1, 2021.