Author Emily Mulligan

2020 Third Quarter - Impact of Essential Workers
NON PROFIT: Sheltering During a Pandemic

The Lawrence Community Shelter is working toward placing the homeless in permanent housing situations to protect them from COVID-19 and keep them off the streets for good.

When the coronavirus pandemic hit in March, the Lawrence Community Shelter worked hardest at sending people out of the shelter instead of bringing people in to be safe, as is its usual mission. The shelter was trying not to shelter.

2020 Second Quarter - Eastern Lawrence
Leading by Example

Infill development surges on the east side despite strict city codes and a lack of incentives for smaller projects.
In the past decade, infill development has taken off like wildfire in eastern Lawrence. Vacant lots and formerly empty, crumbling buildings have been replaced by bright new structures and creative remodels, both in commercial areas like the Warehouse Arts District and in residential areas such as the Brook Creek Neighborhood. [MORE]