2022 Q4 - Women of Impact
(LtoR): Dr. Cynthia Johnson, Courtney Shipley, Becky Price, Kate Dinneen, Barbara Ballard, Sally Pokorny, Dot Nary, Erica Hill, Jill Elmers, Carole Cadue-Blackwood

Marci Francisco: Woman of Impact
Kansas State Senator

Clare Nderagakura Granger: Woman of Impact
Community Organizer and Entrepreneur

Local Scene 2022Q4
The local scene – Ribbon Cuttings, Events and More in pictures. [CHECK IT OUT]

Carole Cadue-Blackwood: Woman of Impact
A pillar of the Indigenous community and a strong advocate for her people, Carole Cadue-Blackwood continues to shed a light on the racism against Native Americans in all walks of life—from sports to schools to everyday life.

Amii Castle: Woman of Impact
Professor, University of Kansas, Schools of Law, Business, and Political Science

Erica Hill: Woman of Impact
With a passion for health equity, Erica Hill has gone above and beyond to ensure all community members are afforded the right of good health without fear of being denied because of their consequences, poverty or discrimination.

Barbara Ballard: Woman of Impact
The seeds of a life in public service were sown early in Kansas Rep. Barbara Ballard, who gained her drive toward civic duty from her all-female high school and college, as well as with hands-on experiences during the Civil Rights Movement.

Bonnie Lowe: Woman of Impact
President/CEO, The Chamber of Lawrence, Kansas

Lawrence in Perspective: Emily Taylor
A woman ahead of her times, Emily Taylor gave the women of KU a sense of confidence and a drive to challenge stereotypes during a time when women were treated as inferior to men.

LMH: Tammy Barta
Breast Cancer Survivor Feels Like Part of the Team

Emily Peterson: Woman of Impact
Owner/Operator Merchants Pub & Plate

Jacki Becker: Woman of Impact
Setting aside graduate school to work in the music industry may not have been the original plan, but it led Jacki Becker to realize not only her passion for music but other passions, as well.

Cynthia Johnson: Woman of Impact
Longtime teacher and administrator, Cynthia Johnson, overcame major obstacles throughout her life and is now devoted to making sure her students thrive in their educations and ultimately reach their full potential.

Jill Elmers: Woman of Impact
Jill Elmers, Common Harvest CSA, is shaping the local food system with a focus on putting sustainably grown local foods on the plates of Douglas County residents.

Courtney Shipley: Woman of Impact
With a career that began with a mere interest in the workings of the city, Mayor Courtney Shipley methodically moved up the ranks.

Dana Ortiz: Woman of Impact
For Dana Ortiz, it’s all about the relationships, many of which channeled her passion for volunteering with homeless communities on the West Coast to becoming the director of Family Promise right here in Lawrence.

Sally Pokorny: Woman of Impact
Using fairness and reason while relying on a deep-rooted compassion, Judge Sally Pokorny presides over her courtroom much like she does her life—with an eye toward treating all people with humanity.

Kate Dinneen: Woman of Impact
A jack-of-all-trades, Kate Dinneen has her hands in not only her passion for blacksmithing and bike riding, but also acting as a role model to teens through Van Go and volunteering her time with Emergency Management for Douglas County.

Amber Sellers: Woman of Impact
City Commissioner – Lawrence

Cindy Yulich: Woman of Impact
Emprise Bank Market President – Lawrence

2022Q4: Letter From the Publishers
The Lawrence Business Magazine introduced our yearly impact issue in 2012 with the Women of Impact; ten years later, we decided to focus again on the Women of Impact in our community.

Dena Johnston: Woman of Impact
Executive Director – Lawrence Schools Foundation
(Spirit Squad Director/ Head Coach – Free State High School)

Christina Haswood: Woman of Impact
Kansas State House Representative, House District 10

Dot Nary: Woman of Impact
An activist for people with disabilities, Dot Nary works to eliminate disparities in housing, health care, transportation and recreation, and create a more inclusive community so the disabled can thrive in a society that often rejects them.

Newsmakers 2022Q4
Sarah Randolph celebrates her 10th year with Bridge Haven Memory Care!

Becky Price: Woman of Impact
With a combination of discipline, empathy and tenacity, Ballard Center CEO Becky Price turned a “nightmare” into a thriving nonprofit providing stability to families in need.

Diane Stoddard: Woman of Impact
Assistant City Manager