These businesses serve our community and beyond with their unique products and services, boosting our economy.
These businesses serve our community and beyond with their unique products and services, boosting our economy.
On the Cutting Edge Companies right here in Lawrence create innovative technology for the health-care industry to save lives all across the globe. | 2019 Q4 | story by Tara…
National Landmarks Touched by Local Influences New York, Washington D.C., even as far away as Qatar: These local companies provide their services to expansive projects all across the globe. |…
Life on the Silicon Prairie These Lawrence-based software companies all strive to produce the best product for their clients while maintaining their businesses right here in the heart of the…
Capitol Federal Hall KU Business School has a New Home | 2016 Q2 | story by AUSTIN FALLEY, Director of Communications, KU Business School | photos courtesy KU Business School…
RECRUITING BUSINESSES AND INDUSTRY Recruiting Businesses and Industry | 2015 Q4 | story by BOB LUDER | photos by STEVEN HERTZOG | It might not look like much now.…
BUSINESS ON THE HILL KU School of Business Puts Finishing Touches on Capitol Federal Hall | 2015 Q3 | story by AUSTIN FALEY | photos by KU School of Business…
MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY STRONG: KANSAS ATHLETES GET THE HUDY ADVANTAGE | 2015 Q1 | story by STEVEN HERTZOG | photos by STEVEN HERTZOG | Tyrel Reed, the winningest basketball…
SUNLITE: BRIGHTER LIGHTS, BETTER EFFICIENCY | 2014 Q4 | story by ANNE BROCKHOFF | photos by STEVEN HERTZOG | High efficiency, bright light and energy savings, what more could…
BALDWIN AT HIGH SPEED | 2014 Q4 | story by SCOTT SHULTZ | Launching a gigabit Internet service was not part of the original plan for Baldwin City-based software…