The jobs of essential health-care workers, from doctors and nurses to first responders to facilities workers, have become even more vital because of the COVID pandemic.
The jobs of essential health-care workers, from doctors and nurses to first responders to facilities workers, have become even more vital because of the COVID pandemic.
What is Heartland’s most important commodity or service?
Our mission of welcoming all who need care speaks volumes about who we are and what we do as an organization. We are focused on providing solutions for all living in our community to ensure everyone is able to access and afford comprehensive medical care. [MORE]
Community Health and Balancing Inequities Race, cost of living and other divergent factors in community lead to development of a county health plan. | 2019 Q4 | story by Joshua…
Getting to the Heart of It Though genetics play a major role in whether you will develop heart disease, don’t forget about the importance diet and exercise. | 2019 Q4…
Find Your Zen These local establishments practice holistic health, which allow people to pursue more natural ways to maintain their health and bodies. | 2019 Q4 | story by Tyler…
On the Cutting Edge Companies right here in Lawrence create innovative technology for the health-care industry to save lives all across the globe. | 2019 Q4 | story by Tara…
Directing Mental Crisis How the Integrated Crisis Team is collaborating in a groundbreaking effort to address services. | 2019 Q4 | story by Emily Mulligan | photos by Steven Hertzog…
Food Security Lawrence and Douglas County are growing, but so too is the number of residents who don’t have regular access to enough food to lead a healthy life. |…
An Eye on Prevention Regular checkups are key when it comes to keeping your teeth, eyes and spine in optimal condition. | 2019 Q4 | story by Bob Luder |…
New Ways To Be Well These specialists focus on educating and offering alternatives to patients in the later years of their lives. | 2019 Q4 | story by Liz Weslander…