
New Subscription / Mailing Address Update

This page is for updating information to make sure you receive the magazine if your address changed AND for adding new Lawrence Businesses, Organizations, Clients, Stakeholders, and Community Leaders/Members to the list.

  • If you are updating, please update your mailing address below and be sure to give us both the address it is currently going to and the new address where you would like it to go to.


We are expanding our distribution list to add 1000 additional Lawrence Businesses, Organizations, Stakeholders, Board Members, and Community Leaders/Members to our mailing list. If you are a current advertiser and are adding to the list, please make sure to let us know that you are the referring company. Free subscription offer for Douglas County residents only – if you are outside of Douglas County and would like a subsciption, please click here. Likewise, if you have been referred by one of our supporters, please let us know by whom so we can keep our records up to date. Thank you.

New & Updated Mailing Addresses
We will double-check all-new subscriptions to eliminate duplicates.
Address where you want the magazine to be mailed.
Address where the magazine is currently being mailed - and would like it to be changed. If you are updating your address please use the info on the current mailing label.
Advertiser in LBM or other person referring you or adding to list.
Email of Business/Company referring
Thank you for submitting your information for new subscription or updating your mailing address. You will be receiving a confirmation email to verify your email address. We appreciate your assistance in making sure the Lawrence Business Magazine gets to our local businesses, organizations, and community leaders/members.

If you have any questions please email:
Steven Hertzog, Publisher