Local Scene 2024Q4
The local scene – Ribbon Cuttings, Events and More in pictures.
The local scene – Ribbon Cuttings, Events and More in pictures.
Two years ago, Bishop Business, a family owned and operated business equipment company based in Omaha, acquired Laser Logic.
LMH Health Foundation donors contribute to the long-term success of the hospital with their financial contributions.
In 1974, a grassroots group founded DCCCA under the name Douglas County Citizen’s Committee on Alcoholism offering substance abuse treatment.
The history behind the building of Kansas Memorial Stadium and the Kansas Union includes memorializing those who served and died in World War I.
Volunteering is the backbone of thriving communities; nowhere is that more evident than in Lawrence. In this issue, we talk about the impact of volunteering and highlight several volunteers – we couldn’t cover every organization or volunteer – but we tried to create a cross-section of the community and the volunteers who make it run.