Building Success Online
Thinking outside the box is important in web design today since the pandemic has altered the way people work and do business.
Thinking outside the box is important in web design today since the pandemic has altered the way people work and do business.
Local filmmaker uses his ties in Hollywood to tell stories and create videos that resonate with people while building up his community in the process.
Midco is now offering new technology that expands its in-home Wi-Fi coverage, give customers more control over their systems, increase security and enhance the customer-service experience.
Academy-Award-winning director and screenwriter embraces the past in his films and believes we all need to know one another’s history.
Although the rise of online media has hit the newspaper industry hard, it’s far from dead.
New and social media platforms are no longer simple online communication services but can now be used to create profitable careers.
The theme “learning by doing” is key within KU’s School of Journalism, which prepares its students for today’s ever-evolving media marketplace.
The pandemic advanced global digital commerce much more quickly than if it had never occurred.
The advent of the internet in the 1990s and early 2000s effectively flipped the world of media upside-down. Instead of getting news and information by walking to the end of the driveway and picking up the newspaper, or tuning in to the nightly newscast, with a computer and modem connection—or today, a Wi-Fi signal—it seemed the entire world was at our fingertips.
Donna Oleson has always been a woman on the go, wearing a number of other hats during the years. She spent 25 years working as the Eudora city clerk before retiring a decade ago. She then took on a role as an administrative assistant at Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center and planned to only be there for a year or two, but somehow it stretched into another 10-year career.