Interventional cardiology is not only necessary after a heart incident has occurred, it can also be a helpful prevention measure.
Interventional cardiology is not only necessary after a heart incident has occurred, it can also be a helpful prevention measure.
LMH Health Foundation donors contribute to the long-term success of the hospital with their financial contributions.
Getting great results for knee replacement patient.
Although one might think a college degree and possibly more are required to work in the medical field, there are many pathways that don’t require that extra time and money.
LMH Health specialist explains how best to keep that extra weight off.
Donna Oleson has always been a woman on the go, wearing a number of other hats during the years. She spent 25 years working as the Eudora city clerk before retiring a decade ago. She then took on a role as an administrative assistant at Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center and planned to only be there for a year or two, but somehow it stretched into another 10-year career.
Breast Cancer Survivor Feels Like Part of the Team
The LMH Health Women’s Center encourages self-care and offers a collaborative approach to treatment, as well as flexibility and accessibility, to all women in need of health care.
After 100 years in Lawrence, LMH Health continues to grow and serve the community in the way in which it was intended by its founders, leaving no one without the option of medical care.
The LMH Health Cancer Center survivorship program provides patients with care after their cancer treatments have ended.