The Arts an Experience in the Past, Present and for the Future
Lawrence has been an arts hub in the Midwest for many years, but in the uncertain world today, it needs the support of the community, civic leaders, and government to thrive.

Lawrence in Perspective: Extra! Extra!
Discover some of the big events in Lawrence’s history that made the news in the last decade.

100 Years and Expanding West
Though 100 years ago, the plan for LMH Health was a modest one, today access to exceptional care and state-of-the-art services is at your doorstep.

Adjust & Adapt, a Retailer’s Mantra
Consumers’ expectations of products and services, as well as their shopping practices and habits, have dramatically changed in the last decade, forcing businesses to follow suit or close.

Ten Years in Real Estate – It’s A Wild Ride
The real estate market in Lawrence has gone through a process of change in the last 10 years that’s inexplicable to many in the industry.

Energy Evolution and Sustainability
Lawrence and Douglas County are ahead of the curve when it comes to the awareness, popularity, engagement, and execution of sustainability practices.

Local Scene 2021Q3
The local scene – Ribbon Cuttings, Events and More in pictures. [CHECK IT OUT]

The Backbone of a Community
Serving a community through government or nonprofit comes with many of the same concerns as a business but can have many more people to whom they must answer.

A Decade Embracing Change
The agriculture industry has adapted to many changes during the last decade, including new technologies, labor shortages, rising land prices and new ways to distribute products.

Newsmakers 2021Q3
Van Go, Inc. announces new Co-Executive Directors Eliza Darmon and Kristen Malloy, both seasoned Van Go staff members, to lead the organization into the future.
The new leadership format, approved unanimously by Van Go’s Board of Directors, began January 1, 2021.

2021Q3: Letter From the Publishers
We are so excited to be celebrating ten years of creating the Lawrence Business Magazine. We are so grateful for all of our talented and dedicated writers, contributors, and supporters over the last ten years. It has been an amazing ride.

From Movies to Mags
Lawrence Business Magazine publishers have a unique past that has led them to where they are today.

Keep on Rockin’ – Turning 70
Celebrated daytime radio station KLWN turns 70 this year, and its longtime announcers remain consistent and timely.

Bioscience Leaps and Bound
BTBC pharmaceutical companies continue to make advancements in technology and biosciences, and are confident the next 10 years will far exceed the last.

Health a Lawrence Lifestyle
Americans today are much more focused on their overall physical and mental health than they were a decade ago.