The Impact of Water

Every year we do an Impact issue; this year, it is on The Impact of Water. One of the essentials to life and something that continually needs our respect and stewardship.

There are many areas in the United States where the water is harmful. We all know about Flint, Michigan, where lead from aging pipes seeped into their water system, effectively poisoning an entire community. And there is Lubbock, Texas, where drinking water contains 16 contaminants above acceptable health limits and 30 others of potential concern.

But Lawrence and Douglas County are not one of those places. We have a dedicated team at our Municipal Services & Operations of Douglas County (MS&O) who take a lot of pride in their work.

How water is transported from a river or a lake, pumped to a facility, and “treated” for our consumption is not something we often ponder. We probably spend even less time thinking about what happens to the wastewater from our toilets, sinks, and garbage disposals. Most of us take for granted that when we turn on a faucet, we get clean water to shower in and clean, healthy, good-tasting water to drink. Due to the dedicated work by city employees at the MS&O, Lawrence’s water has been rated the best tasting water in the state of Kansas – giving much satisfaction to our city engineers, biologists, chemists, and plant managers.

Speaking and touring the facilities with city employees like Mike Lawless, Trevor Flynn, Matt Bond, Jay Lovett, and many others, we learned how proud they are that the impact of their work makes Lawrence a healthier community.

Others making an impact include KU professors Justin Hutchison, Ted Peltier, and Belinda Sturm; Kansas Riverkeeper & Executive Director for Friends of The Kaw, Dawn Buehler; Megan Rush & Rebecca Steadman of Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams (KAWS) & WRAPS. A dedicated group of professionals from the City to the Universities to the private sector working together to protect our environment and keep our water safe.

The Lawrence Business Magazine wants to thank all our devoted readers for their support this past year. And we want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year.

Protect and preserve our local businesses.Shop Local. Shop Baldwin, Eudora, Lecompton, and Lawrence. Shop Douglas County!


    Ann Frame Hertzog, Editor-in-Chief/Publisher
    Steven Hertzog, Chief Photographer/Publisher

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