Celebrating 10 Years!

 Tenth Anniversary Edition

Tenth Anniversary Edition

We are so excited to be celebrating ten years of creating the Lawrence Business Magazine. We are so grateful for all of our talented and dedicated writers, contributors, and supporters over the last ten years. It has been an amazing ride.

In this issue, we revisit a few of the topics we have covered over the years, check in on a few businesses, learn about what has been happening over the past decade, and take a look forward to the next 10 years.

We are always amazed at the wonderful stories we discover here in Douglas County and the new things we learn with each issue. It is our hope as we craft each publication that you too find out some discovery of a place you didn’t know was here in Lawrence, or a cool place to visit in the County; possibly a new business to shop at or somthing new about an established business you may work with

We are very proud of our mission and dedicated to continuing to cover the stories of the people and businesses making a positive impact in our community. All of the people we highlight, businesses we showcase, and the advertisers that support us all have a vested interest in our community, towns and County

One of the ways we can support our local businesses is to continue to support and listen to our public health officials – and Get Vaccinated. Getting vaccinated saves lives, saves our businesses, and saves our community. And while we are working to get everyone vaccinated, wear masks to protect those who cannot yet be vaccinated (our children – and your children

Protect and preserve our local businesses.

Shop Local. Shop Baldwin, Eudora, Lecompton, and Lawrence. Shop Douglas County!


    Ann Frame Hertzog, Editor-in-Chief/Publisher
    Steven Hertzog, Chief Photographer/Publisher

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