LMH Health: Leadership Academy
he LMH Health Summer Leadership Academy, a mentoring program for local high school juniors and seniors, proceeded carefully during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering a hybrid experience of virtual and in-person activities.

Who Are Our Essential Workers?
During the first couple of months of the COVID-19 outbreak, Gov. Laura Kelly’s words and executive orders were the guiding lights for Kansans. So when she signed Executive Order No. 20-16 on March 28, 2020, calling for a statewide “stay-home” order, she also defined which types of businesses across the state were exceptions for remaining operational.

2020Q3: Letter from the Publishers
“Essential Worker” was never a huge part of the human vernacular until the pandemic called Covid-19 raised its pernicious head and began to ravage and divide our country. Now, like the first responders after 9-11, essential workers are being upgraded to hero status.

Behind the Scene
City workers are there to make sure all residents’ lives continue to run seamlessly, and even during a global pandemic, their jobs get done.

Chad Voigt, Public Works Director, Douglas County

Breaking Bread
Lawrence bakeries have earned the title of “essential” by providing not only bread to grocery stores and customers, but also a feeling of comfort and support to local residents.

A High-Touch Profession
story by photos by Steven Hertzog Lawrence’s two revered funeral homes, with 220 years of service between them, have weathered the COVID-19 storm by staying true to their purpose and…

LAWRENCE IN PERSPECTIVE: Does History Repeat Itself?
ooking back at the last pandemic in the United States, the Spanish flu, reveals just how devastating an uncontrolled virus spreading through a community can be.

With Courage and Commitment
Senior living employees play a vital role in the care and well-being of residents in senior housing and care facilities.

The Pandemic Generation
During this unprecedented time, child-care operations have taken a hit not only financially but also in enrollment, and our kids may pay the price.

NON PROFIT: Sheltering During a Pandemic
The Lawrence Community Shelter is working toward placing the homeless in permanent housing situations to protect them from COVID-19 and keep them off the streets for good.
When the coronavirus pandemic hit in March, the Lawrence Community Shelter worked hardest at sending people out of the shelter instead of bringing people in to be safe, as is its usual mission. The shelter was trying not to shelter.

Taking Care of Business
The jobs of essential health-care workers, from doctors and nurses to first responders to facilities workers, have become even more vital because of the COVID pandemic.

Newsmakers 2020Q3
Free State Dental Announces addition of of Dr. Kailah Willms.
Good Energy Solutions Recognized Among Kansas City’s Fastest-Growing Companies As Part of Ingram’s Magazine 2020 Corporate 100 Listing