October 2011


Following a rigorous selection process, Communities In Schools of Kansas president and Lawrence resident Malissa Martin has been named one of only three 2012 Robert H.B. Baldwin Fellowship recipients. The Fellowship, named after Communities In Schools’ founding board chairman, promotes and sustains Communities In Schools leadership by bringing together the best ideas from the network’s past, present, and emerging leaders.

Baldwin Fellows undertake specific work projects that are designed to benefit the Communities In Schools network in particular and the non-profit sector as a whole. Beginning in October, Martin will study regional infrastructures as a means of ensuring non-profit sustainability while maintaining and ensuring effective service delivery. "I’m incredibly honored to have been selected," Martin said. "I’m convinced that non-profits with a regional administrative structure can offer tremendous advantages. So many of us in the sector are seeking to reduce unnecessary costs while making sure our service delivery isn’t compromised." Martin will study organizations across the country and in Kansas.

In addition to her Fellowship work, Martin will also be granted targeted leadership and professional development, as well as learning and study opportunities. At the end of the Fellowship, Martin will share her findings through published white papers and articles, speaking engagements, consultations, and other similar activities.

The Fellowship is made possible through a generous grant from the MetLife Foundation.

Communities In Schools of Kansas (CIS of Kansas) surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Through a school-based coordinator, Communities In Schools connects students and their families to critical community resources, tailored to local needs. CIS of Kansas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with five local affiliates in Kansas, and is expanding to new areas. During the 2009-2010 school year, CIS of Kansas served 18,531 students. For more information, visit

Working in more than 3,200 schools nationwide, in the most challenged communities, in 26 states, and the District of Columbia, Communities In Schools serves nearly 1.4 million young people and their families every year. Communities In Schools has become the nation’s leading dropout prevention organization, and the only one proven to both decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates. For more information, visit



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