Non-Profit: 501C3 INSPIRED
by Eileen Hawley, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce

Valor Awards

Throughout Lawrence and Douglas County, police officers and firefighters put their lives on the line every day to ensure the safety of our community and its citizens. The Valor Public Safety Awards program, sponsored by the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, now will publicly recognize the selfless dedication of these brave individuals.

“The prosperity and quality of life that Lawrence/Douglas County enjoys is due in no small measure to the selfless and courageous acts of our public safety and law enforcement employees,” said Cindy Yulich, Chair of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce. “It is important that we, as a community, take time to recognize these brave men and women, many of whom volunteer their time to keep us safe.”

Valor Awards

Agencies participating in this inaugural year of the Valor Awards include the Lawrence Police Department, Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical, Douglas County Sheriff, Eudora Police and Fire, Baldwin City Police and Fire, KU Public Safety and eight rural Douglas County Fire Departments. Potential honorees will be nominated by their respective departments and then selected by a committee of local business owners and public officials. The review committee includes representation from the Douglas County community and former public safety officers.

“The heart of the Valor program is not just in recognizing our public safety workers,” said Yulich, “We understand the many sacrifices their families make as well.” To recognize and reward the commitment made by these families, all children of Valor Award honorees will be eligible for a one-time $1,000 stipend when they enter a community college, technical college or university.

Information on the Valor Awards, golf tournament, awards ceremony and how to donate to this worthy cause may be found on the Chamber of Commerce website at Click on “Valor Awards.” All contributions are managed by the Lawrence Foundation and are tax deductible.



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